[h2][color=421A8C]Sapphire Rode[/color] - Physical Education - Music[/h2] After Agesander unveiled the medallion challenge Sapphire started to analysis it trying to figure the best way in which she could reach the goal. Obviously with her rib in the condition it was heaving those heavy boxes around and climbing to the top wasn't really an option. The next obvious solution was if Sapphire couldn't make her way to the medallion then logically she should bring the medallion to her. Of course she could go into the locker rooms and use one of her shotguns to shoot the medallion down but she considered that would defeat the purpose of the exercise and likely land her in detention. Sapphire glanced down at the leather bands on her arms that hid Morpheus and Phobator. A plan began to form while Amy and Diamond climbed there way up to the medal. If Sapphire could launch one of those grapplinging hooks through the chain that the medal was suspended from she could use the raw dust from one of her ice cartridges to flash freeze the rope, the grappling hook and the chain that suspended the medal then all it would take was a sharp impact, say from one of the smaller blocks or perhaps another grappling hook and the chain would shatter like glass. While Sapphire was coming up with this plan Amy and Diamond succeeded in touching the medal and Agesander reset the arena for the next contestant. Sapphire was about to attempt her plan when Aurellius stepped up to plate. He grabbed one of the small blocks from the side and through it at the chain with all his might. Sapphire smiled, there was no way that was ever going to work. Agesander must have done this exercise a hundred times, surely some other idiot had tried this. The chain must be much too strong for a puny block like that to break it. Thinking this Sapphire was shocked to see seconds later the medal falling down to the ground where Aurellius touched it. Sapphire looked at the teacher for a moment who didn't even seem angry. Sapphire sat down on one of the benches at the side of the room. If the test was that pathetically easy that it could be completed in two minutes with minimal effort by whatever idiot came along then Sapphire wasn't even going to try, it wasn't worth her time or her dust. Clearly no one else wanted to try Aurellius' solution for fear of looking as though they were copying it. Sapphire watched each attempt at the medal from the sidelines. Only Lionheart and that new guy... Ben she thought... were actually able to reach the medal. Sapphire took great pleasure in watching how abysmally Ivan failed in his attempt at the task. When the bell rang and Agesander dismissed the class Sapphire walked by him on her way to the change rooms. She stopped only partially facing him. [color=0054a6]"You know, I think the local hardware store sells chain that wasn't blown in a glass factory. Maybe you should look into it."[/color] She said with a look of annoyance on her face before walking into the change room and out of range of any consequences that little encounter may have caused her. Sapphire showered and changed back into her regular cloths. It felt good to have her weapons on her back once more. With her fiddle in hand Sapphire left the gym in search of the music room. Once there she found a seat somewhere in the back and opened her violin case, Sapphire removed the beautiful instrument and placed it gently on the desk in front of her, waiting for the teacher to tell them what they would be doing.