[h3]Kagerou[/h3] With the last of the students out Kagerou herself emerged and took a look at the destruction. Everyone seemed to be doing their own thing in the effort. No stranger to death and destruction she kept her head about her and shook her head. "[color=plum]Alright people listen up! We can't just go around moving things without thinking. Everything under us could collapse at any moment and movement could hasten that.[/color]" Glancing around at who they had she pointed to Phoebe and then Nicholas. "[color=plum]Everything below is loose down there. I want you to secure as much as you can with roots. Start small, no sudden movements. Everyone else needs to step back because we could be putting more in danger. Start from the outside and move in.[/color]" Looking toward Estella she seemed to still be using her telepathy to find people. Likewise Kalinda was hanging back which likely meant she was also making use of her powers in the search effort. There seemed to be some trouble between one of the students and a graduate. Walking over she waved a hand and cut the vines away at the ground. "[color=plum]Excuse me, I do not appreciate your hostility to one of my students. I will take care of the situation.[/color]" Picking up Erik from the ground she brushed him off. "[color=plum]What do you need right now?[/color]"