[@Avanhelsing] Sorry. Not my intention. Things don't always sort out in my head clearly. I'm doing my best. [hr] I'm going to have a lot of fun with this character. --- [b]Name:[/b] Grathrak Torsorro (About as close as in English) [b]Alias:[/b] Lady Lobo [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 78 (Earth years) [b]Parents:[/b] Theoretically, Lobo. [b]Powers:[/b] Super strength, super durability, regeneration factor, can survive in space. Vast knowledge in many scientific branches, but mentally unstable. [b]Bio:[/b] Garthrak was part of an insectoid race that devoted their life works to science. A conservationist at heart the alien took on a great endeavor. To revive endangered species throughout the galaxy. Her goal took many years to perfect but eventually she managed to do it. By creating a noncommunicable virus she could infect other, more plentiful species with a specific sequence to mutate them into the desired result. Having great success with reviving several populations she began collecting samples of other near extinct races. Of those, one was the Czarnians. They had almost completely been wiped out by one of their own, an infamous galactic bounty hunter by the name of Lobo. By extremely dangerous means she was able to attain a sample and set to work creating the virus. Unfortunately for for the scientist Lobo possessed a unique skill that lead him to her space lab. Not one for subtlety the menace blasted a hole into the facility and trashed everything in sight, yelling something to the effect of "No one studies Main Man." helpless in the face of such an adversary Grathrak was captured. As a going away present Lobo took the latest virus that was made and infected the alien. Surely it would do something terrible to the creature. Scoffing he left with the lab with the thing writhing in pain. Of course what had been done was done. Not completely finished the creature mutated and was reborn a Czarnian. The side effects however were more than simply changing species. While her intelligence remained intact she had become wildly unstable. As her first act as a new woman she manually flew her lab into a inhabited moon. Surviving the resulting explosion she set off in a twisted quest to find the near extinct in the universe. Why? Because that's why. And Earth is chalk full of them with Kryptonians, Martians, and other much less notable critters. While her original goal was lost in the insanity the planets dubious reputation for superpowered beings was sure to be all kinds of fun. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/287/8/4/8423af9cd29609fe99f93dada1472831-d82ujht.jpg[/img]