Hours after finishing off the vampire Hank would be back on the road. He has trouble getting over his kills, driving for hours, sometimes days would help distract him from how much doing what he did hurt. His funds were tight, though that will happen when you do a not so legal job on an unregulated rate. Hank heard word from one of his buddies that some suspected vampires have been traveling to the UK. He has heard rumors in the past about vamps being inside the country, but he never followed up on it because the UK was supposed to be Vamp free. Though he trusted his friend more then he trusted the public eye. He would have to hide the RV until he got back, he would also need a way to get some of his gear over, he didn't have time or funds to reset up a new collection of weapons. So plane wasn't an option, he could take a boat. This would give him the ability to travel with his weapons at a cheaper rate. If he found the funds and the right captain he could even get the RV across the ocean, but it wasn't that much of a priority. Though having the ability to forge his ammo and explosives would be useful. Also to be able to keep his blades maintained would help. Hank looks at a photo of him and his family before he became a hunter. "It's going to be done sooner or later, just hold on." Hank has never taken on more then one vampire at a time without back up. He didn't know anyone he could trust, but he had some ideas how to take out a group of them. Though if any were major vamps or one of the older ones he knew the chances were not high of him making it out alive...Or a vampire. Neither of which seemed like a good idea to Hank. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It had taken Hank three days...Three damn days to get a way across the ocean. Or at least to find the boat. He found a way to get his RV on, cost a bit more then he wanted to pay but in the long run it was worth it. The captain would walk up to him. "Do I want to know what's in that thing?" Hank would laugh a bit. "Not really, But if I get a discount I'll show. Though I may have to beat your skull in then." The captain would just stare at Hank in fear. "It's a joke...I have no reason to kill you. Plus if I was I'd use a blade, much more effective." Hank would walk off to the ship leaving the captain in fear. "Also a joke Captain." As he would shout as he got on board.