"One more test should be done before moving to beta" Justeaze muttered to herself and started at the track once more but after setting up obstacles for her to weave through. "This will be the true test she thought to herself as she dashed forward once more" Weaving between the hurdles she pushed her speed more. "I have to go faster not because I want to but rather if I don't who will in the end?" She questioned as she speed around the track the speed she was going made her hat fly off not that she noticed. Laughing while she went across the track the track for her fourth time. "Nothing can beat this feeling can it?" she yelled as she increased her speed more this was her limit as fast she could go she thought to herself. Racing around really was freedom she thought nothing but you and the wind with it voices singing to her letting a smile grace her lips she slid to a stop. Looking down she looked at her prototype the wheels was smoking but everything else was still fine it seemed that the regular clay wheels started to melt due to the friction.