Wow! This looks really cool so far. Here's a CS, hope you like it. :) [hider=Nina Sari of the Rosario Chus-Cande] [b]Name:[/b] Nina Sari [b]Alias:[/b] Nisa [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Apparent Age:[/b] 18 [b]Height:[/b] 5'8" [b]Weight:[/b] 135 lbs [b]Eye Color:[/b] Amber [b]Hair Color:[/b] Dark-Brown/Black [b]Physical Identifiers:[/b] Well, her darker skin color and stronger build I guess. She has a nasty scar on her left calf from a creature trying to chew her leg off when she was younger. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Equipment/Personal Possessions:[/b] She has a knife made from the large tooth of a creature, a large water-skin, and a bow and quiver of arrows, along with the tools needed to craft her own arrows. [b]Pets/Companions:[/b] NA [b]Tribe/Village:[/b] Rosario Chus-Cande [b]Titles/Occupation:[/b] Healer, Shamman [b]Languages Spoken:[/b] English, Spanish, Chus-Cande [b]Languages Written:[/b] Spanish, Chus-Cande [b]Opinion of the Ruse:[/b] completely clueless [b]Opinion of Outsiders:[/b] Hatred, distrust [b]Hopes and Dreams:[/b] To be able to find those lost in the jungle around their village. [b]Likes and Desires:[/b] Singing and Swimming, and she wishes to one day reunite her family or start one of her own. [b]Fears and Dislikes:[/b] She fears being alone, and dislikes people she does not know. [b]Secrets and Regrets:[/b] The reason she wanted to become a healer, too many of her people would wander into the jungle in search of fabled magic herbs that could heal any ailment. She regrets her brother becoming lost in the jungle in search of this to heal her after a wild creature had gotten into the camp and nearly chewed her leg off. [b]Personality:[/b] She is sweet and kind, most of the time. When she's angry she often becomes violent and is truly terrifying when she is also scared. She will push her fear to the side and replace it with anger and a 'get-it-done' attitude most of the time, and is very smart and cunning in extreme situations. [b]Religion:[/b] Something akin to Christianity, only within the Chus-Cande Tribe. [b]Relatives:[/b] Father, missing. Brother, missing. Mother, dead. [b]Friends:[/b] Raja Tran, A young man that she grew up with. He was the one who saved her from the creature's attack when she was younger. [b]Enemies:[/b] Sukarno Dwi, Nisa's rival. They were Shamman-in-training together, but he failed, causing him to resent Nisa ever since, even causing him to try and trick her into getting lost in the jungle. [b]Defining Moments:[/b] She learned how to swim at a young age, and has been basically a prodigy child ever since, succeeding in everything she put her mind to and becoming the youngest Shamman in her Tribe's history at the age of 16. [b]A Typical Day:[/b] Nisa always wakes just after dawn, and proceeds to make her rounds. She checks the wounded and sick, and then goes to help prepare the midday meal with the rest of her hunting group. Because of her group's aptitude for swimming, they normally hunt fish in the shallows of the sea near their camp. After the meal is caught and cooked, the Tribe eats together in the center of camp, Nisa feeds the sick who cannot eat for themselves afterwards. Once she is done with her healing duties, she goes down to the seashore to meditate until sunset. Sometimes the people of her tribe will come to her while she is meditating and ask about problems they are having, or worries of the future. At sunset, families gather for the last meal of the day. As Nisa's family is all dead or missing, she eats with the sick and wounded who could not join their families that day. After the last meal of the day, Nisa does her rounds again and then walks around the camp once before going to sleep, bidding her people goodnight. [b]Tribe/Village Detail:[/b] The tribe is located between the vast ocean and the equally treacherous jungles on what they think is an Island in the tropics. The buildings range from simple huts and tents to the large clay building that was home to all those who were alone and the sick and injured. There is a large wall around the camp, barely keeping the jungle at bay. In the center of the camp is a large tower that if one were to stand at the top and look out on, they would be able to see the opposite end of the jungle, and in the opposite direction a series of islands that many in the Tribe hoped they could one day sail to, though they have yet to make a boat that can weather the sudden storms and harsh ocean. [b]Magic:[/b] They view magic as mainly good, as all they know of it is its practical uses and the fact that it can be taught rather easily. They can use magic generally to start a fire, help them lift heavy objects, stem the flow of blood from a wound, create light when it's dark, and summon water when they're thirsty. A Shamman is a religious leader that also serves as a teacher and has a lot more stamina and strength in the use of magic than most people of their tribe. The Tribe may only have one Shamman at a time. [/hider]