[quote=@Spartan2961] '[i]Mangle?[/i] Alex thought the name seeming to throw the new guard off for a moment. It had been so long since his last visit he couldn't recall the name 'Mangle'......then again much hs changed since he was five. Upon snapping back to reality Alex glanced around to eventually spot a flashlight. He picked it up turning it on to shine it down the hallway to see if he could see anything. (I don't want this to fall to far back but I also feel we're leaving our G.M. behind :(. Also I will edit if there isn't a flashlight but something else. I know there was one in the second game but if I recall correctly this RP was made before the second game (Going by the first post in the OOC.).) [/quote] (I'm alright, I was on Easter break! If you stopped while I was gone I would have been sad.) Goldie saw his opportunity popping out of a painting behind the guards and leaning onto the wall as hallucinations started to appear for the night guards. He let out a girlish laugh as he did so, quickly stopping himself before he became less threatening. --- "I think Mangle is Foxy's replacement." Josué explained. "The pink one in the posters and stuff." he suddenly sucked in a breath as he saw a shadow in the corner of his vision and heard a childish giggle.