Walking over to the healing station, Zacharias once again handed his pokeball over to the attendant, this time with a disappointed smirk on his face. The teen sighed, leaning on the table as he though over his match, wondering where it all went wrong, but had a hard time of deciding. 'We really gave it our all, huh?' Well, at least it was understandable that they lost. It just meant they'd have to pick their training up even more, work harder to overcome their plateaus. Nodding at the attendant, Zach took his Vulpix back and walked over to the stands once again, where everyone was waiting for the next match to begin. While walking, however, he noticed one of the finalists in the sand, a curious little Pokemon sitting there with her. Intrigued, he walked over and hunched down, pointing out the Pokemon. "A Darumaka? You don't see those a lot around here, they're mostly a jungle Pokemon. Swinub are also a pretty uncommon sight. Where'd you get such a cool team?"