[@Mokley] Yeah, it can quickly become overpowering in inept hands, I agree. I am not sure what backstory you plan to weave for the ruined cities of old and their civlization, so I will withhold any mention of the stone's power or any instance of its effect and safely keep Mat inconsequentially lucky. For now, I will let Mat believe that it is a lucky charm because Uncle Tam said so. Later, when we get down to it, I can bring in the stone. On a related note, I would like to compose a herblore of the plants found around the Dryads in the forest of Drea. The other players can also use it if they feel like it, and I will give Dryad and common tongue names to the sages and plants I describe. Is that cool? If it is, should I put it up here in the main OOC section?