[b]Victor and Mandy - Grocery Store. Walker, LA - June & Co[/b] Mandy watched the conversation, glanced around the room and realized that June's brothers weren't here. She frowned, but didn't ask. There'd be time for those questions to be answered later. "[color=deepskyblue]Where are we going to go after this though?[/color]" Mandy hadn't given it much thought to her plans after she found June. There wasn't anyone left... Except maybe her dad. "[color=deepskyblue]June, do you know if my dad-[/color]" Her voice cracked and she stopped talking. It had been something she hadn't wanted to think about. Victor stood up. "[color=Red]I have enough for this meal, we'll be good.[/color]" He turned to Mandy, "[color=red]If you want to take June to find those people, I'll stay here and finish cooking.[/color]" He spoke clearly enough that Mandy could easily understand him. Mandy looked to June and with R hand shape crossed her arms and then uncrossed them with her eyebrows lifted.