Someone has been following them. Someone stupid enough to reveal their position. Multiple creatures, hard to tell how many based on the distance. The black knight was the first to respond. Stupid. Let them come closer, make them think you have the upper hand. Too late now. A plan. Maldron needed a plan. Something in his head clicked on like a switch. A job, a purpose. He can unleash his inner beast now, a calm, calculated, ruthless beast. [color=ff0000][b]"Make them focus their attention solely on you."[/b][/color] He told to the group. [color=ff0000][b]"I will flank them."[/b][/color] He then turns to the knight. [color=ff0000][b]"Say "Begone, strangers!" loudly, and it will be a sign for me to neutralize them. I will not attack unless you say these two words."[/b][/color] Plotting both the fastest and most concealed route, Maldron was finally at peace, for this moment. A stalker, the apex predator. For all that remained of his memories, he knew he was raised to be just that. And he enjoyed it. That thrill of the hunt. This land sought to deny him just that, but a hunter shall not become the hunted that easily. Perhaps even the rest of the group could see it. The change in his eyes. A subtle change, from the eyes of a man to that of a killer, hunter of men. Even his voice changed to something more monotone, devoid of any emotion behind it. Sticking to the shadows, however scarce they were without any actual visible source of light. His attire also helped Maldron to hide pretty well, his dull white, or rather grey-ish cloak blending in with the land. Circling around while the rest of group do whatever they are doing, the assassin was preparing his blades. Though he had no memory of the small vials strapped to his chest, he knew they contained venom, and what kind. Since he wears his cloak like a robe, all of this usually hidden from sight. It was like his hands were moving on his own, like he did it hundreds of times already. He chose the paralyzing venom, as he could not know if the creatures following them were hostile. Coating his dagger and a few throwing knives with a thin layer of venom, the assassin was almost in his destination, currently not spotted yet. If the knight makes the call, Maldron will need just a graze, and the venom will kick in swiftly. Finally in position, there was two of them. A human with clothing that suggested some pedigree, and some sort of animated stone creature. The man was seemingly annoyed by the thing. So they were not allies? The man also had a sword, though his stance betrayed the fact that he wasn't very alert. Even if he spotted Maldron now, he would be hit before he was able to grab the hilt of his sword. The stone being didn't seem very threatening either. Whatever happens next, is up to the knight and the rest of the group.