[h3]Kagerou[/h3] Away from Nicholas she sat the student down where John had taken a tent to tend medical needs. As students were being pulled out they were being directed here. "[color=plum]I'm not going to let him hurt you. You just stay here for now alright? Now, other than what McCoy made you what else can help?[/color]" They were going to need a backup plan since Erik was somewhat of a special case. [h3]Estella[/h3] Things were not looking up. So far she had not found any of the teachers. A couple students at the most. But having been out of the picture at the Academy there was no way to know how many were lost. At least Kagerou seemed to have had most of them with her when everything happened. After a while she had to take a break. Broadcasting like she was through so much material was not easy. Stepping aside she took a seat on one of the benches that was still standing on the grounds and put her head in her hands. "[color=indianred]How could this happen? They were all so careful.[/color]" Thinking about it just brought up more questions and she had to stop herself. Her head hurt from it all.