[b]Carlson[/b] Carlson turned to Kalib, and firmly stated - seeming to ignore Anton's whining and insubordinace "Kalib, get Anton back to the apartments. I am done dealing with her like a whining child." He said evenly, and with purpose. He had more important things to do, and he quickly realized that Anton's alcohol issue was not his problem- not right now anyway. He then, finally, turned to Stiofan "Don't follow them, Stephen, please" He requested "I will gather the Omegas tomorrow and draw up a battle plan of sorts. I don't like this just as much as you don't.... also, I want you there at the Omega meeting, is that clear?" [b]Nanix[/b] Nanix grabbed Anton's arm "Who the HELL do you think you are?? That broken bottle is gonna come right out of my paycheck you twit!" She was not above yelling, like Carlson was, and she certainly was ready to kick Anton out.