Hm... It'd be cool if whatever we did required one from each area, but could have no more than two people doing it together at a time. I'd suggest some kind of puzzle-intensive quest (as I imagine VR would promote greatly, seeing as First-Person is huge for the puzzle genre nowadays [e.g. Portal and whatnot]) but still have level requirements and combat incorporated. My problem is that I'm really bad at making puzzles. XD It's crazy hard for me. It'd be good to have it require tech and magic both. To be honest, I"m just more excited to play James in teh future XD he's going to be kind of an ass in game, but I'm more pumped to play him outside of the game. On another note, I go to MEPS on Friday. My DLAB results came back with flying colours and I'm so excited for that, but now comes the part that I'm really nervous for... I just really hope my body fat percentage makes the cut.