[b]Eren Deville[/b] Mr. White was a ruthless gang ringleader. He was notoriously hard to kill, having survived so many attempts on his life without a scratch on him. He was smart, too, handling his opponents and subordinates efficiently and ruthlessly, connecting point A to point B with brutal proficiency. Most importantly, though, was that his name was a prominent one when E was a marionette, pulsing through their mind from the Puppeteer's. Eren disliked remembering that short period of time. Eren had killed a lot of people under the Puppeteer's directions. E still remembered it, flesh collapsing under fist, bullets bouncing off their flesh. E suppressed a shudder. No need to let the devil on their shoulder know anything was up. E paid Nuul no mind as E walked up to the two street gangsters in a dark alley. E had colored their hair red and applied make up to alter their appearance to be more masculine. E had considered dressing lightly to seem less suspicious, but instead opted to wear a casual outfit with a jacket to hide E's gun and knife in. E didn't want a fight, but if one broke out, E didn't want to rely on Nuul. Like hell they would be indebted to that odd creature twice over. E had hoped to catch one criminal here alone. Viper, rumored to be one of Mr. White's cronies. Eren had to admit he'd stolen a few files from his father's police department to get the info on this man, but once he'd gotten the first bit of information, it's all fallen into place with a few interrogations. E finally approached the two, a casual smile on E's face. "Greetings, gentlemen. I'm looking for a Viper here." E said evenly. "Who's asking?" Said the man on the left, hand going toward his pistol slowly. "A customer," E said, raising both hands, "I have money. Not on me, but I have it." "Tony, calm yourself," the man on the right said, "Sorry about the security, man. I'm Viper. What can I hook you up with?" "You're quite forthright, Viper," Eren commented. "I can afford to be. Mr. White is stronger than the police force. Though I do have a bit of extra muscle cuz of some weird happenings. Like some girl going about taking out criminals and looking for her mum." "Boss, it's a man. He just disguises himself as a girl to deflect suspicion," the man on the left, Tony, said. "Heard about that myself," E commented, "I don't put stock in those rumors, though." "Fought 'im myself once, I did," Tony said, "I shot him in the gut and he kept fighting. I'm lucky one of my buddies dragged me to the doctor before the police arrived." "Anyways, my business," E said, "I don't want drugs, nor weapons, but information." Viper raised an eyebrow. "On what?" "Mr. White," E said, "you see, Viper, I am a mercenary of some skill. I want to side with someone who can pay well and who is worthy of my work." Viper frowned. "Yeah, I'm not buying it." Eren drew his pistol quickly and fired. Tony fell to the ground, and E quickly dived at Viper as the gangster began to draw his pistol. E slammed their fist into the man's jaw, knocking them to the ground. "Perhaps I didn't ask clearly enough. Mr. White. Where is he?" Eren asked. Viper grinned as he got up, and tossed his pistol aside. Eren saw the man's eyes glow yellow. "...shit." Eren muttered as the man threw a punch. Eren ducked to the side, and threw a few rapid punches at the man, hitting him twice in the jaw before following it with a strong right hook. Viper didn't even flinch, grabbing Eren and slamming them against the wall. "You're her, aren't you?" Viper said, "the girl. It's you." Viper laughed as he slammed Eren into the wall again, and again. Eren grunted in pain. "Mr. White knows you're going after him. Too bad you're gonna die, not knowing a thi-" He was interrupted as Eren slammed their knife into the man's right arm. As the man retract their arm, Eren leaped forward, swinging their fist. Eren hit Viper in the temple, causing him to drop. "...okay, Nuul. I know you watched that. Glowing eyes, super strong and durable. Points to Marionette. However, I incapacitated him with my fists. Hardly anti-doll weaponry. What the hell did I just fight?" Eren asked calmly, "Answer me." [b]Mathew[/b] One man was grabbing the money while the others were holding Alex at knife point. He winced at the pain in his stomach, as he did so, cursing the priest. He bent down to grab some money, then screamed. A mass of flesh and bones slowly rose from the ground, a face slowly materializing. As the man backed away, a limb of meat and blood grabbed his face. He shuddered, and fell to the ground. [i][b]"What morsels dare threaten my master?"[/b][/i] The men seemed to state in shock, before Mathew fully materialized. He had chosen a blobman shape for intimidation purposes. He took a step forward, tentacles sprouting from his back. The gangsters ran, and after a moment, Mathew sighed. "Really, Alex. I want you to carefully explain to me what you did wrong," Mathew said, tapping a foot inpatiently, retracting his tentacles, and putting his hands on his hip. His head was a meaty, eyeless skull. He still seemed to be giving Alex a motherly glare. "And answer truthfully, or I won't cook desert tonight. You have no idea how much of your behaviour today I watched, dematerialized."