Thomas raised his eyebrows slightly, dropping the piece of chalk he had been using into the holder at the bottom of the board. “I do believe that’s a new record for number of latecomers on the first day of class. Syllabus is on your desks, I hope you’ll show up earlier in the future.” He sighed, turning back to his podium and shifting some papers on it. “But first, since a large part of this class is outside and not taught, I’d like me and your classmates to know at least enough about you to start a conversation. So… I’ve got three questions, and you can assume to have three questions every day in this class before we begin the material. Nothing difficult, I assure you, and nothing graded." “What’s your name, where are you from, and… Why did you sign up for Occult Studies? Keep your answers appropriate.” Thomas smiled slightly as he continued. “I’m Thomas Joren, I’m from the United States, and… I’m here because I’m qualified to teach this class. Next.”