[hider=Riyu Hsia] [b]Name:[/b] Riyu Hsia [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] A young man standing at 5’8” with lightly tanned skin, Riyu has a lean yet muscular frame with callused hands and feet brought by many years of mountain climbing and a wide variety of sports. His naturally black spiky hair comes in a crop cut and looks almost midnight blue under most lights. His eyes are dark brown. His wardrobe consists of simple clothes of solid colors – mainly orange, white, and black. He could be found wearing black fisherman pants that fall below the knee, a sleeveless black mock turtleneck, and a white fur-trimmed vest with an orange Poké Ball logo on the back. Both hands are covered in hand wraps, and his shoes are well fitted for traveling. On his narrow waist is a white and orange belt with pouches that carries his berries, tools, and Poké Balls. Around his neck is a thin forest green scarf with outlines of stars patterning the whole fabric. Every once in a while the image of Jirachi could be seen peaking from in between the folds. [b]Personality:[/b] Riyu tries to portray himself as steadfast and reliable. Although quiet, he is a determined young man who places others before himself. He is quick to lend a hand yet also swift to turn down any form of help. It’s a habit he refuses to change until, more often than not, people started to smack him on the head for being so stubborn. Unexpectedly, he can be a complete pushover. He dotes on those he cares about, going so far as to go along with their whims. He is known within his household for spoiling his younger brothers and even becoming a victim of their fashion make-over more than once much to the horror of their father; although, in Riyu’s honest opinion, a guy can look good in a dress. His self-esteem doesn’t go down that easily; in fact, those incidents boosted it. Despite his confidence in his abilities, Riyu has doubts about his future. He holds great respect for people who knows what they want and who they want to be. However, he looks down on those who mess with the bonds between humans and Pokémon, or any bonds in general. While he may be calm in the direst of situations, his inability to strategize can get in the way. He has a tendency of rushing off into battles and believes that hitting hard enough would do the trick which very much resembles how he treats electronics whenever they malfunction. [b]Profession:[/b] A novel Trainer [b]Talents:[/b] Through training regime he often does with his dad, Riyu is fairly active and quite athletic. He is faster than most normal people and could undergo strenuous activity for extended periods of time. However, he is not by any means a martial artist or the likes. Thanks to his dad’s occupation as a Ranger, Riyu is well-versed in the usage of Berries. He could differentiate which berry is which with just a glance. [b]Starter Pokémon:[/b] A level 5 Ralts named Mei. Mei’s ability is Synchronize, and her moves are Growl and Confusion. [b]Inventory:[/b] • 5 Poké Balls • 10 Oran Berries • 5 Sirius Berries • 5 each of Pecha Berries, Rawst Berries, and Cheri Berries • 5 Lava Cookies • 3 sets of his preferred clothing, one other outfit for colder climates, and one set of pajamas • A standardized white PokéNav • 2 Escape Ropes • A wallet containing P$ 1600 in cash • A small first-aid kit [b]Hometown:[/b] Lavaridge Town, Hoenn Region [hider=Biography] [b]Biography:[/b] Riyu was born and raised in Lavaridge Town as the eldest of three children to a retired Coordinator and a Ranger who patrol Mt. Chimney and nearby caves. He spent the entirety his childhood looking out for his younger brothers (who were twins), tending to his mother’s Delcatty, and tagging along with his father in mountain climbing and hiking up Mt. Chimney. While his younger brothers were quickly taken to the idea of Coordinating and were brought under their mother’s wing, his father took Riyu under his and showed him the ropes of exploration and berries. Due to his father’s protective nature and the dangers of the job, he never took him out on Ranger missions or anywhere too far from town, traveling only as far as to Mt. Chimney. Unlike his brothers who dreamed of high-rising stands and spotlights beaming over their heads, Riyu took life as it is. Instead, he would climb the sizzling cliffs of Mt. Chimney or lose himself in the caverns of Fiery Path with steam pressing against his exposed skin. His parents grew worried when his younger brothers took off into the world at the age of fourteen while Riyu remained at home. Their eldest became restless, often leaving the house for hours at a time until he would come back late at night with distant eyes. When asked about his dreams and aspirations, Riyu lightly bit his bottom lip and shrugged nonchalantly. Dunno, maybe climb Mt. Chimney again and visit that nearby desert, he answered to which his parents exchanged concerned looks. Three months before his 17th birthday, the twins came to visit… with an egg. Before Riyu could even ask, they shoved it into his chest and demanded he hatch it since it was his early birthday present. With that said, they ran off to explore the world, leaving the eldest son in a stupor. Left with nothing else to do, Riyu looked after the egg with care. He would bring it to the hot springs every chance he could get and watch over it as it was covered in the warm sands near the springs. It didn’t take long for the egg to hatch and a small Ralts emerged from its shell. Riyu quickly ran home with the newly hatch Pokémon, named Mei, in his arms. His parents were ecstatic as their son and Mei quickly became close since the little Pokémon was well in tuned with his emotions; however, they were soon troubled when Mei started showing the same restlessness as Riyu. The day after his birthday, his parents handed him a ticket straight to Sengun. Wanting their son to have a fulfilling life, they explained that there is more to life than just climbing the same mountain. He needed a purpose. Some kind of motivation. What would be better in finding a new purpose than by challenging the newly made Sengun league? But, still, Riyu was set in his ways and was about to refuse when the tickets were quickly swiped from the table. Mei held the tickets close to her body as she tugged eagerly at Riyu’s pants. She shoved the tickets back into his hands. Hearing her eager voice and the frantic tugging of his pants, Riyu was instant jelly in her hands. Maybe... Maybe the journey wouldn't be so bad. Maybe he would a new purpose there. He quietly held Mei in his arms, packed up his stuff, and made the call to Ilex Laboratories. [/hider] [b]Notes:[/b] None [/hider]