[b]Annalee Diaz[/b] The sun had just set, and Annalee found herself late for her curfew, again. She rushed down the nearly empty streets of the city, cutting through allies where she could, and dreading every new second. [i]Father will be cross with me again, I hate to worry him so much.[/i] Annalee looked up to the shadows of the roofs of the buildings constantly, hoping that her doll Megumi was still following her in case she got into some sort of trouble. Luckily, the only thing that went wrong for Annalee on the way was time. She heard the great clock in the center of the city chime the half hour as she burst through the door to her family's home. There, in the siting room, was her mother and father. They looked up at Annalee as she struggled to catch her breath, and she tried to get out an apology before her father started speaking. "And what should I assume held you this time my dear? Should I be worried for your safety out there, or are you simply incapable of keeping track of the time? Must your mother sew pockets into all of your dresses so you may keep a pocket-watch?" Her father's tone was calm, kind. It made Annalee want to cry. [i]I can't tell him the exact reason...[/i] "I'm sorry, father. I was helping a young man regain something he had lost." Annalee heard herself say in a voice much calmer than she felt. [i]It's not a lie...[/i] The real reason she was late this time was that she and Megumi had run into a marionette earlier, and had separated the Puppeteer from him, indeed helping him regain something. Himself. Her father seemed to deflate at her words, the harsh kindness in his tone lost. "Well then, I suppose that is a well enough reason to lose the time, however I expect you do understand how much we worry for you when you are not her by curfew." He looked over to her mother and continued speaking. "You seem to come back later and later each day." Now, her mother began to speak. "Dear, I forgive you for today. From how you look, I can tell that you had a rough time of it. Now, off to bed dear. You have errands to run in the morning." Her mother walked over to her and gave her a quick hug, kissing her on the forehead softly. Annalee said goodnight and went up to her room, changing into her pajamas before opening her window to allow Megumi in.