Oswald Connolly- Survival Oswald's head was still buzzing from the effects of the sound grenade, he noticed that they were, as a matter of fact, [i]not[/i] in the clear from here on out. The Itzamnas and Salamanders had managed to catch up, but he was at least able to make out what the Professor was saying. The anomalies were one-way, explaining why they had to go to such lengths in order to make their way back. As the class found itself dealing with raptors, lizards, and now flying feminine Grimm, Oswald carefully retrieved a greenish-yellow dust crystal from his pouch and loaded it into the base of his sword. As a Harpy rapidly made its way towards the armored, now-cloakless young man, Oswald raised his blade, lining it up with the Grimm before pulling the trigger on his sword. After a moment, a beam of electrical energy burst from his blade, piercing the Harpy through and through and causing it to fall to the ground, its muscles paralyzed by the powerful electrical blast. Chuckling, Oswald turned to aim at another Harpy, repeating the process, with the most recent victim crashing into a Salamander, which reacted by coating it in a powerful burst of acid. His chuckle turning into a full-fledged, sadistic laugh, Oswald frowned as another aerial Grimm saw fit to interrupt his reveling by attempting to claw his face open. Carefully turning to his opponent, the swordsman slashed his blade across his body, aimed up at the Harpy, only for the monster to flap its wings powerfully, pushing it out of the way of his blade. Letting out a groan, Oswald moved his eyes when he heard the familiar sound of someone travelling through one of the anomalies. As Gren passed him using his weapon as a propeller, Oswald nodded at his classmate before sheathing his own weapon and taking a careful grip of his own washer. A short while after Gren disappeared, it was Oswald's turn to teleport, and he tossed the washer in, following after it a moment later. When he found himself surrounded by water, Oswald reached out quickly, grabbing hold of something solid and using it to surface himself. A moment later, the swordsman realized that the anomaly had deposited him in Beacon's fountain, and let out a hearty laugh as he pulled himself from the water. "Well that was fun, right guys?" Letting a smile cross his features, Oswald laughed again. "If that's any indication of what this is gonna be like, I'm looking forward to the rest of the year!"