Will finish later. Its 2 am here :P Name:Amon Shukal Age: 28 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Amon][Img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs25/i/2008/170/5/c/Project_4___Bounty_Hunter_by_Rinny09.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: Deity: Freiya Loyalty: (TO what extent do you worship them. Is it a fleeting thing simply for their abilities, or is it complete and utter devotion, or somewhere in the middle?) [hider=Weapon] [Img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/265/f/b/rwby_oc___character_sheeeet_by_lazymk-d6ncopk.jpg[/Img] [/hider] Will edit to explain functions. Inventory: Special Ability: Mind of the Hunter Amon has been blessed with a somewhat parasitic link through his blood. Oncehe gets a few drops into the target, usually through putting a bit on his weapon, Amon can gain information on the subject, the effectiveness being subject to distance. This bleasing has an effective range of 5 miles, although only to make him aware of its direction and if it's still moving towards the last mile. Within 2 miles he is now aware of what they are attempting to do in general terms, such as sleeping or hunting or so on. When in battle range he is aware of what the subject is focusing on, as well as its health and stamina. This supernatural connection to the target gives him a almost precognitive awareness of its actions, making it easier for him react to its actions, so long as he has a clear line of sight his accuracy is increased. Last 24 hours. Speciality: Wyvern, often sniping at them while they are airborn and activating his ability, retreating till they rest and attacking when they sleep. History: (A couple of paragraphs summarising how you became to be the hunter you are today. Is it tragic? Comedic? Serious? Ludicrous?) Forgotten : (Anything you feel like adding?)