[img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs26/f/2009/241/c/8/Vigil_logo_by_FlyingApple.png[/img] New Realna. A city plagued by death and disease- The disease of man. Corruption reaching through every home. Government, police, the press. The number of good people is rapidly dropping, the city a home for illegal activities of all kinds- trafficking in people and drugs, violence of all sorts. The police are either in somebody's pocket, or too lazy and entitled to take action. Those few officers still pure, who wanted to protect the city, are too small in number to make a true difference. The main ruling force of this cesspit of corruption and evil? One of the world's many Mafias. So far, they have been smart- Nobody knows who they are, who's ruling at the top of it all. Russian, Italian, Japanese, English, Irish- Nobody has the slightest clue. But lately, their operations have been seeing... Complications. Supposedly it's only one man, but the higher ups are becoming... Irate. Slowly, a war brews between man and Mafia. The only question in the minds of the people, who recognize this situation from book after book, movie after movie, is... [i][b]Who will come out on top?[/b][/i] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is, of course, a Mafia RP! The goal is fairly clear- One man against a Mafia. We will fight, we will scheme, we will try to come out on top- And eventually, one side will fall to the power of the other! Mechanics and details, certainly, are a little more complex. I myself, as GM, will be playing the part of the Mafia boss, no matter what nationality we as a group pick as the Mafia. We will need -one- person, just one, to play as the vigilante. All others will take various rolls within the Mafia- Want to hide bodies for the muscle? Go for it. Want to -be- the muscle? Most certainly! Adviser to the boss, or perhaps their personal guard? Go for it. Every successful Mafia Boss needs good people at their side, or it all falls apart. So, as a group, we will need to do several things. One, run a small raffle over who wants to be the vigilante. If you -want- the part, then send me a tell with your answer to the following question: [b]You are being mugged. You are unarmed, and they have a gun. What do you do? Be very specific.[/b] Those who want to be a part of the Mafia, simply throw a Character skeleton up in the OOC here, and await approval. As long as the character shows promise and a personality, I'll -probably- say yes. Probably. Also, -everybody- who joins the RP, at least until we have these things decided. Cast your vote as to the nationality of the Mafia. You may choose from: Irish, English, Russian, Italian, Japanese, or German. I know there are plenty more, but those are the best choices for this particular city. Don't ask me why. :P Instructions aside, the following post will be reserved by myself. In that post I will have the rules, the Character Skeleton, and the "New Bulletin". This will be a small, often-updated thing which gives the recent news of New Realna- Pronounced New ree-AHL-nuh, by the way- as a daily news update, keeping time with IC time and events. -This- post will be updated over time with details on the Vigilante and the Mafia- Who has what jobs, who's injured, things of that nature. Also, -especially if you're the vigilante-, please, I beg of you, don't flake out. I have a busy life, and often only post on Weekends. I understand that others may be the same. But if you don't get at least a post out in a week, I'm going to be concerned, and probably poke you with a tell. Hopefully, more posts can be made than one a week. But it isn't necessary. If you go two weeks with no activity or reply to Tells, then your character -will- meet an uncertain fate of disappearance. You can reclaim them if you ever return, and make up a story as to where they've been. If you drop out, then your character will meet a much more certain, and likely very bloody and painful, end. By my hand. I like killing characters. [img]http://cheesewearingtheology.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Muppets-Maniacal-Laugh.jpg[/img]