[b]--The New Realna News--[/b] Good morning, New Realna! This is Jackson Tenner, Realna's favorite anchor! This past week has been strangely quiet for our wonderful city, but some events of note have taken place! The carnival that moved through town is finally gone- Having taken most of our small valuables with them. Kleptomaniacs shouldn't be trusted to run carnivals. Really. And if you lost your dog, that's probably where it went. The glass works factory met an untimely end just last night, the building, owned and run by a nation-wide glass company, seems to have been the victim of a gas main burst. It's now a pile of rubble- But, thankfully for the company's reputation, every last window of the factory survived the explosion. Walls, ceiling, floor, equipment- All gone. But every window is perfectly fine, according to investigators. So if you need windows, order from Rawson's Glass Work! Apparently, they're nearly indestructible. That's all for today folks! This is Jackson Tenner signing off- And remember, Realna, stay frosty. [b]--Character Skeleton--[/b] [hider= CS]Name: Age: Occupation: (Legal and illegal, if both are applicable. Even the Mafia can have a day job!) Appearance: (Text and image are both accepted, though if you go with an image, please use a realistic one. Realistic-ish sketches are cool, Anime is preferably avoided.) Personality and History: (Doesn't -need- to be lengthy. Gods know mine won't be.) Skills and Gear: (List here what your character is good at. Martial arts? Accurate with Firearms? Strong as a brick shit house? And of course, what do they -always- have on them? Anything from a family heirloom to their favorite weapons. And, if they have a ride, that can go here too. We all like our cars.) Other: (Anything I missed. Because I'm sure there's plenty. Oh, and check the rules just below.)[/hider] [b]--Rules--[/b] 1- Have fun, you bloody jackasses. If I catch you not having fun I will do my best to remedy the problem. If that doesn't work, I'm forcibly ramming Rainbows up your ass until you vomit glitter and joy. 2- I am the GM. I am not an asshat- Normally. (I definitely can be though! >:D) But, as GM, my final word is the final word. At least, in the public forum. If there's a problem between players, either sort it out in tells civilly, or bring the problem to me, and I will solve it myself. 3- Put "Vigil" in the other section of your CS to be accepted. 5- You're looking for rule four, aren't you? 4- It's right here.