Vera lowered her head in deep thought, not even noticing Rin peeking in from the doorway but that did not mean everyone didn't as Fray gave a small wave to the girl.[color=a187be][b] "Why... Do they know something we don't by any chance?" [/b][/color]She couldn't help but wonder this fact out loud, but as soon as Glass had his say in the matter she pushed it to the side for the time being, this was not a place to be wondering about such things. [color=a187be][b] "Either way I'm hungry, I'm going to go get that Genie to make me something!"[/b][/color] With that she turned around and started heading towards the door. Gwen followed suit and soon enough so did Fray. [color=a187be][b]"We will have to talk about this proper later Glass. You will have to warn the world sometime..." [/b][/color]