Anderson sat at his desk, his monitors flashing all sorts of windows. He was starting a new operation and with each start came requirements and rules. Pieces had to be played, pawns to be moved forwards, strategies whose groundwork had to be laid. There were cards to be played, agents to inform and rules to break. "Katyusha, Edelweiss, do you copy?" Anderson spoke into his headset. "[i]Ja, Komandir[/i]." "Yes nii." "Are you two covering the advance of our friends?" Anderson began sending messages to his agents across his network of contacts. Blackmail here, a "disappearance" there, some well placed bribes over there and well-connected individuals elsewhere ensured that Anderson always stayed within the loop if not several steps ahead of it. There was not place that wasn't some how connected to Anderson in this city. "Everything ready?" Anderson said after the two gave their approvals, "Link, Start!" ____________________________ "Everyone, move out and surround the school, ain't not one of these idiots gettin' out today!" the Skill-Out commander roared as the collation of Skill-Out and Clowns moved in, "And you Clowns better not be thinkin' of rapin' anyone just yet. Get them to the warehouse first! Now, fire!" With that order, homemade mortars and smuggled in and all manner of explosive devises where launched at Kirigoka Academy. As hellfire rained down on the buildings, Skill-Out and Clowns alike rushed into the school, chaos ensued as the building began to crumble under the weight of explosive ordinance and the armed thugs zerg rushed the school. Not even the school's own espers could protect their weaker classmates. Through all the smoke and violence, the one thing anyone with a good eye and enough time to look was the symbol on all of their weapons the, the Apple of Eden, the symbol of Coercion. [hr] "Oh no, she's evil, she made me kill my parents." Kazeno nonchalantly said as if he was speaking about grocery prices, "She also why I can use magic." While Kazeno was all fine and dandy about this, Chi Ni was scared out of her mind, already managing to construct a ghostly WW2 bunker behind Kazeno, equipped with period weapons and one scared ghost girl, "Ne ne... Kazeno-san... umm... Can you please get her to leave?" Kazeno sighed as he dragged Chi Ni out of her bunker through the opening, causing the entire structure to disappear. "See? Here she is." Kazeno held her arm up as Chi Ni freaked out, kicking and fidgeting every which way like a roasted duck hanging in front of an especially powerful fan.