I sighed, my sole hope faltering a little at her confirmation. But then again, didn't I already know this? It was doubtful more than perhaps two people could sit comfortably here in such a cramped place, and though the darkness hid most of Leah's features in a shadow, I could see the expression in her eyes. It mirrored my own when I would look at myself with my phone's camera. We were exhausted, upset. I began to crawl towards her, not wanting to just stare at a hazy shadow, not wanting my memory of our reunion to be of just staring at a darkened figure. "I've seen the same." I admitted grimly, slowing when I could see her a little more. The sight of her was comforting at least, though my grimace couldn't be wiped off my face from this alone. "Well, I doubt we can live for very long." I admitted, setting my hammer down. "We could survive here for awhile if we were careful to avoid as much contact with those things as possible, but we'll eventually run out of food. We'd either have to leave here or accept our demise."