Dammit all, but he hated Pack Night. Anton always got completely knocked off her rocker, the place became a mess, and Ryan had to leave early with everyone (full moon and all that), leaving Avery to clean up after this pack of mutts. Ryan had been able to mitigate this mess by hiding Anton's "jet fuel" vodka in a separate cooler from the rest of the hard stuff. He couldn't NOT sell to The Backhouse's most lucrative customer, but Mori's dislike of the hard drinking was well known. So Ryan took the initiative in hiding the heavy stuff in the meat locker. It was all well and good until his phone started buzzing. Michael. "Hey babe! What's up?" [i]"Hey hon, just calling to let you know I can't find the house key, so the front door is going to be unlocked. That cool?"[/i] Not in the slightest. Aside from the usual home invaders, Ryan had a nasty feeling that, tonight of all nights, they needed to lock up the house. But he couldn't force Michael to stay home all night, not with his boyfriend already pissed and suspicious about the "Fishing trip" tonight. "Yeah babe. That's cool. I'll call one of the neighbors and ask them to keep an eye on the place." Of course, there was a loud crash of glass on hard floor, along with Anton's cursing from the regular booze cooler. Dammit all to hell! "Listen babe, gotta go- I love you!" [i]"Bye."[/i] Great. Not even an 'I love you too.' He was in deep this time. Ryan snagged two bottle of jet fuel and hoofed it out of the freezer, shutting and locking the door behind him. He'd get to the broken glass later, but as he made it back behind the bar it dawned on him how packed the place had become. Full house- humans and wolves. Pretty soon the kitchen would be running orders out too. "Anton," he said, putting one bottle on the counter and another behind it. "This is your cutoff point. Just for making a mess in the back I'll have to clean up." Without another word, Ryan passed the second bottle of [i]Jet Fuel[/i] to Mori. If the human didn't know what the stuff was, he'd get wasted in no time and not know which way was up. Mori would know how dangerous the stuff was to one's liver and tongue just from dealing with Anton. Leaning in to Mori, he said "Boss, I, ah, I'm gonna be late tonight. Michael lost his house key. Gotta lock up before [i]group meeting[/i]."