Whatever teacherly dignity that Duncan had mustered, it slowly eroded away as Eika spoke, replaced first by the humbling realisation that he had no idea how badly she had been effected by the mission in Dollet and then by growing confusion and disbelief. He tried to speak a few times, perhaps to console his student or cut her off, he wasn't exactly sure which, but couldn't find the right words. Instead he stood there, lips moving like a goldfish when she once again moved in to attack them. Whether out of compassion, affection or bare-arsed shock, Duncan just stood there and took it, staring into Eika's eyes as if he could read her thoughts within. Perhaps he... could handle this. A dozen regulations screamed at him to put her on a charge and send Eika packing back to Balamb, but somehow it just felt... right. An odd thought, coming from himself. After a long moment of silence, he took a seat next to her... and tried to articulate his thoughts. [b]'I... Not sure how to say... Perhaps I, in a way... might kinda want this?'[/b] Fully aware that he was acting like a frightened schoolboy, Duncan reached out slowly, jerkily, and rested his hand on hers. [b]'Well... Let's talk things through later. Somewhere, uh... safer.'[/b] He didn't make a move to leave right away, instead taking a moment to marvel at the warmth of her hand. [hr] It wasn't until the early hours of the morning that the last of them trickled back to the safehouse. Within seconds of entering the building, Kein was rendered unconscious and dragged into a side room by a determined looking Yoko; she flashed Ramses an uncharacteristic expression of savage triumph before locking the door tight behind them. The rest of the team worked to move the immobile Major into another room, removing his armour and chaining the man naked to the wall. It was harsh, but considering Wiggs' unnatural toughness, a necessary precaution. Once everyone was back and the worst of the work over, Duncan called the team together in the ops room. [b]'No speeches. You did well, even when shit went south.'[/b] He looked haggard, tired beyond his years although there was also a strange spring in his step. [b]'Just go to bed. We'll debrief tomorrow, 0930. But rest well; we leave Timber tomorrow night.'[/b] The news was sudden and a few of the support team muttered between themselves, perhaps disappointed by their lack of involvement. [i]Your opinion doesn't matter,[/i] Duncan thought savagely. [i]Two dead and three crippled SeeDs do.[/i] [b]'... Dismissed.'[/b]