"Toilets huh? Sounds romantic!" Anthar winked back at the girl as she walked away to get a bottle. [i]I'm either very lucky or my nightmares have stopped and this is a dream. This is going really good. Almost too good... And why did that guy just pass her a bottle?[/i] Anthar was beginning to suspect something else was really going on here. [i]But what if I'm just being paranoid and she's really into me? Ah, fuck it, I'm just being stupid. What is the worst that could happen? I have my two loyal pistols with me.[/i] She was back with the bottle, and with a seductive look she took his hand and pulled him to where he guessed the storage room was. "Hey, I don't think I got your name. I'm Anthar by the way. Anthar Raclaw." He was getting more excited and nervous with each second that passed.