[color=forestgreen]Maxine Hunker[/color] Maxine smiled at Kaldur and said, "Thanks, cutie pie. I definitely will." She looked around at all of the new arrivals. All of them seemed fairly okay... that alien Slobo seemed a bit much and a bit big for his britches, but the rest of them seemed fine. She smiled and laughed as Kid Flash yelled that Nightwing had made out with Starfire, as she had introduced herself. Maxine had read up in Tamaraean culture and powers and the only reason why she would do that when she was fresh off the space craft is because she needed to learn the English language as fast as she could. She stopped thinking for a little bit as Nightwing began to start an introduction. He had no idea what he was saying. She didn't think that Kid Flash was helping, especialky since he was interrupting Nightwing at every turn. Maxine giggled a little bit and smiled at how flustered he was after seem Starfire. She listened intently to what he was saying and then he asked for questions. She looked over to the far end of the line and saw that Roy was asking where he could get a drink. Glancing around see if anyone else would speak up, she piped up with, "Will we be living here?" She swayed her dress. "I think that would be fun to live here. Oh! If we are, do we have separate rooms? Is it gonna be like college? This is already going to be a lot more fun than Havard probably." She smiled at the upper four. Oh they were going to have their handful with her. "Oh, by the way, just call me Cyclone. Fits better, don't cha think?" She twirled a little bit, showing her dress. "Also if I start to talk a lot, just tell me to shut up." She turned into a motor mouth at that point. "I don't have a lot of friends because I talk a lot. It might also have to do because I'm differnt. I'm also really smart. But I tend to not have a filter." Her mouth went on autopilot and she kind of just faded out from what she was saying.