Garsin was in the training room using an extremely large, heavy punching bag, but he was fully equipped in his armor and more. Not only did he have his heavy read and white armor on, he also had his weapons on his back, medical gear, and extra weights placed on his arms legs and torso. He thought that it was best to train like this so that he could fight without any of his heavy armor or gear ever becoming a burden to him whenever he would be on a mission or an emergency. That is, IF there was ever a mission or an emergency. To be honest, ever since he arrived at this facility, it seems like all he has done it train, which he has. However, by now, he does this mostly for his own entertainment and to keep in shape. After his past and what he blames himself for causing, he is normally fairly content with staying in the third dimension zone. Every now and again however, he does feel the urge to have some sort of release, and that's when he comes to destroy a few punching bags. Garsin landed one final punch that buried into the bag and ripped it off the chain, slamming it into the ground. After withdrawing his hand from the bag, he waved to someone he was training next to saying he'd see them later. He opened the door and stooped a little to get through the doorway and then headed to the changing room to get something from his locker before heading back to his living quarters where he changed instead. Garsin saw a large group of people enter the facility being led by Mr. Boss, whom he regularly referred to as "Bossman". Since Bossman was busy talking at the time, he grabbed his pipe, tobacco, and matches from the locker and stored them in his medical pouch. When Mr.Boss was finished with his little tour, he went to grab his attention. "Hey Bossman, you found quite a bit of people this time. Mind if I have a word with you later? If you aren't too busy," he hastily added.