[b]Victor - Grocery store. Walker, LA - Augusta and Malcolm [/b] Victor nodded to Augusta's suggestion. "[color=red]Lead the way.[/color]" He said as he picked up the small campfire stove. It was his most prized possession these days, some dents and scratches, but for the most part perfectly clean. He handed Malcolm the propane container, and juggled some other stuff. [b]Mandy - Outside the Grocery Store. Walker, LA - June, Cricin, and Annie[/b] June glanced to Mandy asking with just her face Mandy's opinion. Mandy shrugged, she put her right hand up in a fist near her forehead and flicked her forefinger up while shaking her head. Then put both hands together laterally, sliding her right one over the left. After she finished that sign she lifted her right hand to her chin and slid it down it in a fist hand shape.