Funny story was that Gael had almost forgotten about the Mystery Club by the time his classes ended. Without any particular goal in mind, he headed down the stairs to the school entrance, picked up his shoes from the locker, and was half-way to the fancy-smancy gates of Mayami Academy, when he realized that there were things to do back at school. Now the question was…did Gael really care about showing up in the first meeting? No, he probably didn’t, but it was nice to show his subjects some kindness, right? Spinning 180 degrees, Gael headed back to school, marched up the stairs, and walked into Classroom A-013. Certainly, it was a fitting room for the Mystery Club, complete with a feeling of dread and disgust and heavily aged, moldy cheese. What a shifty place. Without paying much attention at all to the other plebs in the room, the tall, handsome second year walked to the back of the room and began to systematically open the windows, one by one, until a nice, afternoon breeze wafted through the mostly empty classroom. Not that it helped with the super dramatic edgy fear-feels that he was still getting there, but at least the abhorrent smell was pretty much gone now. He pulled a desk over next, sliding it casually before him and then sitting on top of the table, finally paying attention to the other three that were present in the room. Two relatively nameless girls and Takeshi, who was making it painfully obvious that he had only came to the Mystery Club to get some of dat ass. Well, being direct was fine as well... [b]“Sup, Takeshi, White, Hiiragi,”[/b] Gael said, with a toothy grin, [b]“Name’s Gael Ericsson. Or Ericsson Gael. Let’s get along, yeah? And some Febreeze would be nice as well. This place still feels like shit. Feel sorry for the kiddos who have to take their classes here.”[/b]