The castle itself was grand and beautiful and decorated with tapestries, but it was also very dark, illuminated now by firelight and the foreboding suspended sacrifices. Mithias heard one of them moan in a slow, drugged death. Surely music to some vampire's ears, but not to his own. Dracula had been cruel, so they said. Likely he would have approved of Bedivere's display in his hatred of humans, but what a world would he have created? Mithias closed his eyes and tried to listen to his own heart, but he could not hear it. Good, evil, justice, meaning... Everything was a blur. Voices bounced around, one ancient lord after another chiming in on the critical matter. How fortunate Mithias was not to have telepathic perception. So many voices would have been incredibly draining. "He is against war and obviously against the ursurpers." "...prefers NOT to follow orders." "There is no order. There never was." "I want a decision to be made. Do we go in, or do we not?" "I disagree, I've seen a lot of these wars, and a lot of us die." "...when some asshole has to lead a crusade." "If we don't go, then screw you all and get the fuck out of this castle." "Who would begin?" " tired of waiting for everyone to get off their asses." "Either go in in a joint effort, destroy all humans, or just sit back and watch the world pass as we have for centuries, living like worms in the dirt, only coming out during the rain." "...would stand up, he would have to be convincing." "What if we moved slowly? What of America? It is isolated by oceans. We'd have it and the UK, controlling one two, three..." "That's a big country. Werewolves don't like their lands being entered." "It gives us hope. It is a stepping stone." "Fuck your stones. There has to be an uprising on a global scale!" "Gathering members gathering hope. There has to be a growing belief." "Immortals will lose in the long run." "I'm saying that given that there are vampires like Gabriel running around, who have the power to do things, yet are too lazy or bored to actually make some meaningful difference..." "We convince them to unify. We need a leader... we should never have let Dracula die." "This is no longer fun. They will simply recede back into the shadows when this becomes, God forbid, 'work.'" "Then fine. We remain as we are, punish Void and Magnus, and let the humans eventually hunt us all down." "Overthrow them on a worldwide scale, which starts the hands of Armageddon..." "Yes. Time to dust off our weapons and return like Christ and baptize the world in blood!" "Jesus was not a vampire..." "What would kill so many humans? We need Void for that..." "Either you, or Magnus has to make that speech." "Let us resurrect Dracula. I know Natasha would aid us." And the thoughts and words go on and on. One thing was for certain, the revolution would never get off the ground without a leader. Failing would likely result in the elimination of all vampirekind, yet suceeding would result in something just as terrible, a world ruled by vampires where all humans were born as slaves. Mithias found his attention dragged back to the single human in the castle, his dull grey eyes looking forward in awe from the shadows. He didn't have any weapons, but the weight in his pocket appeared to match the shape of a phone. That was reason enough to be suspicious. Mithias' voice in his direction likely startled the human. "You realize, you cannot leave here." He stated dryly to him.