Hank wished he parked the RV closer, or went back to it after the first two locations didn't have crap. He walked Miles in his armor, with his weapons and gear on his back. Not only was he getting ready to fight multiple vampires he had to do it tired and hungry. Though maybe the Adrenalin would help. Or the hollow point slugs loaded with refined wood crammed inside them. Though his last suspected location was in sight, a castle, a big one. He's hoping their isn't more then ten inside, but he knows it's more then likely twenty too thirty. Could it be more? Unlikely, as far as he knows Vampires don't group up in as large of numbers. Fear of being wiped out and such. If hank was smart he could take them out one at a time. He got down on the ground and started to cover himself with mud. He's hoping between this is the scent mask he should be able to do some nasty work once inside. Though if things got bad he could try to outrun the vampires for about 2 miles to get back to the RV. "ya right." hank would think out loud as he started walking to the castle. HE couldn't walk into the front, or the back really. But old castles like this normally had a decent size drainage system. He could try to work his way in from that, or at least cause enough trouble to walk in from the front. "Sigh, show time." Hank would start looking around for a way to get inside with this shotgun in hands.