[color=ed1c24][b]"What I am seaweed breath is the top fraggin' teen in this whole universe.[/b][/color] Slobo said as a response to the bewildered stare that he was getting from Aqualad, his mouth still full of burger. He then took a few more inhumanly large bites of his burger, crumbled up the wrapper and tossed it over his shoulder before looking over to Supergirl. [color=ed1c24][b]"Hey I am nothing but pleasant blondie![/b][/color] The Czarnian said before using his arm to wipe all the burger grease off of his mouth. He then used his pinky finger to dig into his ear, a moment later he pulled out a green gunk that he proceeded to roll into a ball and carelessly flick in a random direction, hopefully everyone had the good mind to dodge the foul alien ear ooze. [color=ed1c24][b]"Like I said nothing but pleasant!"[/b][/color] He restated firmly. He walked over to where the rest of his supposed team had gathered to listen to the senior members of the team. Slobo looked over the other new members of the team and shook his head. He did not recognize a single face then again most earthlings looked the same to him anyways, even the spandex clad kind all seemed to blend together at some point. Though there were a few other aliens on the team it seemed, a Tamaranian and a Kryptonian if he had to guess. Not his first pick of alien species to be teamed up with, Tamaranians may have been great warriors but they were way to touchy feely for Slobo's liking. As for Kryptonians Slobo's only interactions with one had been with the red and blue boy scout that called himself Superman and that guy was a giant pain in the top teen's backside. Slobo had been fading in and out throughout Nightwing's improvised speech, he managed to pick up something about being part of the Justice League, not being really ready, and some random out burst from the kid in the yellow tights. Slobo rolled his eyes, he had heard all this stuff already and didn't see the point of it being told to him again. Though what did catch his attention was the question about where they would be setting up their headquarters. [color=ed1c24][b]"Wait a minute, we are all bunking together?! That is complete and utter-"[/b][/color] The next word, if it could even be called that, out of Slobo's mouth could only be compared to a deep throaty growling combined with a squishing sound. For those who were familiar with alien languages would know by the word he just used Slobo was not at all too happy about the idea.