[hider=Cassandra]Name: Cassandra Spencer Age: 17 Appearance: Cassandra stands approxametely 5 foot ten inches. She has skinned browned by the sun, freckles splattering her face, arms and chest. She has bright green eyes that show her light, amusement, and kindness. She has a scar under her left eye, quite small, from an accident when she was a child. Her hair is cut short, and is a dark, dark brown, almost, at times, black. Werewolf Form: [img]http://webpages.charter.net/silvaheyes/silvernights/new/Kiersah.jpg[/img] Gender: female Sexuality: Bi Crush: Currently, no one. Personality: Cassandra is a tough kind of girl. She is determined, stubborn, brave and, at times, foolish. She loves to make people smile, and laugh, and is always willing to cheer people up. She cares a great deal for her family and friends, and would do anything to protect them. She is a bright, bubbly individual, and typically is care free. She loves to sing and is good with music Bio: Cassandra was five, when a car crash killed her mother and father, leaving her to be raised by her Aunt, a kind individual who nevertheless has some curious ideas about child rearing. She escaped the accident with the scar under her eye, and for a long time, she was silent, mute, and just lifeless. And then she discovered music, and the wonder of singing. She learned to sing, to dance, to play guitar. She became happy, and enjoyed life once more. She made friends, and became good in what she did, and how she did it. She enjoyed figuring things out, and enjoyed just being with others, the only fact that took her on the camping trip. Misc Info:[/hider]