[h3][color=mediumorchid]Starfire[/color][/h3] Starfire stared after Nightwing, looking at him curiously. It had been so long since she had last seen him and their last meeting hadn't exactly ended on the best terms, considering that she kissed him to learn his language and then threw him aside. As she was thinking about this, the little red haired kid yelled, "You made out with an alien?!" Ro--Nightwing looked ashamed when he made this comment and Starfire tipped her head slightly to the side. Was he ashamed of her kissing him to learn his language? Or what he just ashamed of kissing her? She grimaced and looked over toward him as he began to speak. It seemed that he didn't have much of a speech prepared, considering the fact he did not go through much about where they were at. She watched him carefully, unaware that she was looking at no one but him. He had grown up a lot... Last time they had seen each other, they were just kids. Well... he was much more of a child than she was, but still. They were the same age in Earth years, though she was greater in Tamaranean years. She only tore her eyes away when the young man called Speedy asked where he could get a drink and the young woman in the strange clothing asked if they were staying together here, though she then began to ramble on and Starfire immediately turned her off. Starfire pulled at the cuffs around her wrists as the alien slime Slobo began to make a racket about how he didn't want to stay here with the rest of them. She gasped as he began to swear in an alien language that she had learned when she was very young. She glared at him but then turned her bright green gaze back to Nightwing. She frowned and wished to speak with him alone, but they would not be able to do that until after they left here and after everyone had gone away. She didn't know exactly how to ask to speak to him in private. She looked around to see if anyone else was going to ask any questions. She had a couple but they were not for the whole group to hear. She wished only to talk to Ro--Nightwing about the current situation of what was going on with him and what was going to happen with him and her, considering their past. She didn't not want to cause him anymore grief than he already had, but she was curious as to why he looked so ashamed when Kid Flash talked about him kissing her, or, to use his terms, "made out" with her.