[h3]Regina Victoria[/h3] A contract? That couldn't be right; a contract legally required that both parties have knowledge of what was entailed. Accepting a request to go attack something could hardly be considered to be 'accepting a contract'. Though... maybe that was something that you couldn't expect these monsters to agree to. She'd just have to find some way to void it to discharge her responsibilities. The legal pondering was immediately driven out of her by the satisfying crack as the Marionette took a fist to the face--the doll, then, could obviously see through whatever trickery had broken Regina's aim. The first monster was the one to topple over the edge, followed by the Doll, followed by a nun that dropped with more grace than either of those two had actually bothered with for her own safety. It was mystifying why the redhead had gained scissors, and Regina really didn't want to think about it too much. Definitely a setback for her plan of 'kill the monster if I get a chance and it's moral', since they had range over her nails. Their being drawn marked the end of the fight, with the Puppeteer's dodging tricks proving no use for being stabbed once your presence was already well known. "You should get going, I owe you for this but I have to report you to the church." [hr] [h3]Gateway to the Genesis of Technology[/h3] "Aww, you didn't notice that I was with you the whole way there and back? You looked up so much and all that I was certain you must have been trying to spot me," the white-haired doll said, bounding through the promptly-reopened door before closing it again, "I was making sure that you were safe, since things are so dangerous now and it's not like a normal person could hurt you whilst I'm around. Most abnormal things probably couldn't, too." The obviously-not-an-actual-human doll seemed to amble through the clutter towards the workshop proper without even paying attention, but her feet followed well-trod paths and avoided crunching any delicate metal, or the numerous inexplicable clockwork parts that she'd constructed for some reason or another and left to lie between Maxwell's creations, "I saw one of those new auto-mobiles on another street, though one of those stupid internal combustion engines rather than a proper steam car. I really wish you'd let me show people how fast and more [i]practical[/i] we could make one of those..." Whether the restraint was the truly enormous amount of raw materials that would need and access to proper furnaces, or just the fact that such an advanced vehicle would call too much attention... well, either way, there was little chance that the tall doll--over a head taller than most of the population--would ever get to show off her actual design, "So, what do you need done to finish it?"