[b]VV[/b] The redheaded Doll cocked her head to the side at the nun's response. "Wha? Oh, please," VV waved her hand dismissively. So was she a Doll Hunter or something? It seemed like it, judging by that response. The girl in the frilled coat approached her new Doll Master with a grin, arms folded firmly across her chest. It looked like her new property might need some talking to... "You're mine now. We sealed the deal, you accepted my help, and that forged the contract between us. You're my anchor in this world, I can't just go running off and doing... whatever." Her red eyes fixed on the nun's eyes as she approached, leaning forward, towards the other girl slightly. "I've gotta keep you safe, you know? Even if you're the kind of person who... let me guess, you're hoping you could kill me right now or something? Too bad." The Doll's grin widened. "You're my property now."