[color=ec008c]Name: Cadaver Age: Unknown Gender: Male Species: "Oh, just your everyday, average, conniving demon...heheh..." Living or Dead?: Dead, technically Abilities: Light hypnotism (lasts minutes after he leaves), Using his daughter's energy to power his own strength, use of black magic, opening rifts into hell at will with no use of tools (unlike Klouille) Description: Cadaver, as he goes by, is a red-skinned demon creature who stands at 6 feet, has a pair of large ivory horns, and bright green eyes. He wears a fancy black, dark purple, and brown suit, with a matching cape, bow tie, and a top hat which is impaled through the top by his left horn. He also has some blonde hair on his head. Cadaver is the father of Klouille, as well as her boss, as the two run a small thief gang, consisting of themselves, and Klouille's pet, Little BatCat. Cadaver is a dangerous smooth-talker, a good dancer, and good at scheming and planning in advance. Despite how he acts every now and then, he considers his daughter the best thing he ever stole from anyone in all of his years of being a thief... Name: Klouille Age: 14 Gender: Female Species: "Daddy's little everyday, average, conniving demon girl~!" Living or Dead?: Living (Half human, half demon) Abilities: Strong hypnotism (lasts maybe an hour or more after she leaves), creating illusionary clones of herself, using her father's energy to power her own strength & engage her full demon form, use of black magic Description: Klouille is a bit of a tall girl for her age, with fair skin, scarlet-colored hair that flows just a little past her shoulders, and blue demon's eyes. She looks almost completely human, except for the large ivory horns, magenta demon tail, eyes, and fangs. She wears a white blouse with a red ribbon on her collar, brown pants that reach just past her knees, a long dark gray button-up coat, purple and black boots, and quite a large top hat that covers her right horn. After she was born, Cadaver, her father, stole her from her mother and never, ever returned with her. As a result, Klouille is very attached to her father, taking after him in ways ranging from attitude, to powers, to even thoughts. She goes around with her father and her pet, Little BatCat, thieving whatever catches their collective eyes. Klouille is a good sweet-talker, dancer, and good at on-the-spot plans or solutions to problems. Name: Little BatCat (BC for short) Age: ??? Gender: Male Species: "Chirrupee! Chir-chirrup!" (Um...a...Bat-cat thing?) Living or Dead?: Living Abilities: Turning into a huge monster version of himself when angered, breathing fire, blinding speed Description: Little BatCat looks like a small floating blue furball with cat ears, 4 tails of different blue shades, four tiny little paws, red eyes, and a couple of thin, frail-looking bat wings. Klouille keeps a purple ribbon tied around the base of his four tails, (since you can't really fit a collar on something that doesn't appear to have a neck). BC is quiet, but absolutely loves sweets. He's often used for distractions during the schemes of Klouille and Cadaver. He is a devoted pet to Klouille, and if anything happens to her, BC will go into an uncontrollable rage, and engage his own true monster form...[/color]