There was once a time when the Gemminite's were a proud and strong people, always in a favour of peace they were shrewd diplomats and knew how to get what they wanted. They could charm nearly every race that they came into contact, but that was before the savage nations of the south came up from their blighted lands. These nations had no need for diplomacy, they simply invade and take whatever they wanted. They were brutal and savage, the Gem peoples knew that they were not ready for war. In fear they searched for a solution, a way to keep their peace and way of life without having to fight and losing thousands of their people. That was when a nation to the west of Gemminia came and offered to help. This nation was just as brutal, just as savage as the nations to the south, but they knew how to twist diplomacy to their favour. They offered to fight the enemies of the Gemminites, but they wanted something in return and the Gem people desperate for help, as the southern nations were now on their borders, agreed to whatever the nation of Drakka wanted. The Drakken's pleased with what they got launched their troops for the southern borders of Gemminia. It was written that the Drakkens fought more savagely than the nations of the south, and that there has never been a people so addicted to the death and horror of war. The blighted peoples of the south fought hard, but their own brutality was nothing compared to the Drakkens. It was only then that the Gemminites wondered what they had agreed to, seeing that they had just made a pact with a people that seemed to love death, war, torture and all things that was against the nature of Gem culture. Once the war was won, the Drakken lords came to the court of the Gem's. Their armour still covered with blood and gore, their muscles still tense from the fighting, their eyes still seeking a honourable fight or challenge. They were in every way intimidating, and when they asked the Gem court for their prizes, there was confusion among the them. All the court looked to King Nixus, who frowned and nodded and with that the Gem guards grabbed the daughters of the court and gave them to Drakken lords. There was an uproar from the parents of the daughters that were taken, but they were quickly reminded of the power of the Drakkens when Oggar the Horrible threatened to annihilate the court and their country. With that the Drakken lords filed out with their new brides, but before Oggar left he turned to the King saying, "We will be back next year for more brides, if none are ready next year our peace will be... over." From then on, the Gem peoples have given up their daughters in order to keep the peace and to pay the Drakken's to protect them from the nations that will not use diplomacy. [h2]Kithra "Kitty"[/h2] Kithra watched as the lands around her changed from beautiful fields and meadows to hills and a bit more rocky, though she could still the beauty of it. She was watching the changes in the land to distract her from the situation that she was now in, she didn't wish to look around the at the men that had taken her from her family. If she did she would be reminded that she was heading to a life of a form of slavery, but if she distracted herself she could imagine that she was going for a ride with one of her sisters. Maybe she was going to one of the cities to the east, maybe she would see the fire Gems, as they were rare out in the country side. But she knew that the landscape in the east was gentle, with rolling hills, vibrant green tree's and gardens so beautiful and wonderful that they amazed everyone that looked upon them. No, she knew exactly where she was going. She wanted to cry, but she willed herself to keep her emotions at bay as she didn't want the men to look at her with pity or disgust. [i][color=f49ac2]I am strong, like the earth. I will be firm and not falter[/color].[/i] She thought as she shut her eyes. She tried to remember everything her parents and older sisters had taught her over the years, but all she could see was her sisters running after the chariot and her parents trying to comfort each other as they watched as she was taken away. [i][color=f49ac2]I might not even be picked, I might be able to go home.[/color][/i] She thought and tried to hold onto that hope, but the feeling that she would be chosen was strong. When she opened her eyes again she could see the mountain range that separated Gemminia from Drakka, and they were heading to the narrow passage through the mountains that would also take then to the castle of Shadow Worth. The castle straddled the border of the two nations and it was where the Drakken nobles chose their brides. She felt her hands shake as they drew closer. It wasn't a long ride into the passage that castle Shadow Worth came into view. It was carved in the mountain about two miles above the passage, it held an air of foreboding and it was one that every Gem felt. Though she was sure that the Drakken's felt right at home. Kithra was taken into the castle and to the room where she was to get changed from her peasant clothes and get cleaned up. And to make sure that she didn't try anything stupid and guard was placed with her to make sure she got ready for the showing. Kithra felt slightly violated as she had to get changed in front of someone she didn't know and who watched her greedy eyes. [i][color=f49ac2]Oh Goddess, if this just a taste of what is going to happen later I want to be dead.[/color][/i] She thought as she straightened her back and raised her chin in the air, this made the guard raise an eyebrow. He was most likely not use to Gem girls doing that. She went over to the wash station and began to clean up, but she did it in such a way that she didn't expose herself much to the guards dismay. When it was time for her to dress she looked at the outfit they left out for her, it was a dark green and black dress. It would show her curves that much she knew. "[color=ec008c]Pigs[/color]." She said under her breath as she looked at outfit to the guard, who smirked. She narrowed her eyes and clenched her jaw, "[color=ec008c]Turn around, I wish to dress.[/color]" She said willing her voice to be strong even though her insides were like jelly. The guard continued to smirk before bowing his head slightly and turning around, "[color=004b80]You have a minute, Gem[/color]." He said in a deep and rumbling voice. Kithra quickly dressed though she was sure that the guard looked over his shoulder, but she didn't say anything since she wasn't sure she wanted to argue at that moment. Once the guard turned around he smiled as he looked her over, which made her want to shiver but she tried to keep that hidden. "I[color=004b80]f you try anything, you will be tied up. Which might get more of my brothers interested in you. Now move.[/color]" He said as he lead her down many halls to what seemed to be a ballroom. Why they had a ballroom was beyond her, as it wasn't like they had many balls here. That was when she realized that she was the first Gemminite in the room, her breath caught in her throat as she looked around the large room. [i][color=f49ac2]Goddess! I'm the first one here! Oh Mother Earth give me strength[/color].[/i] She thought as she straightened up and looked down the room and took notice of the Drakken lords waiting to make their choice. She would not give them the pleasure of outwardly showing her fear, no, she would be strong like her element. But she really wished she wasn't the first one out. [url=]Her dress[/url]