I've got a few questions before I start my CS, but this seems very cool so far! I'm very excited to get started. [hider=Questions!] [list] [*]In the character creation section, specifically you say you can have up to three characters first, and then say later that a pod-squad can be maximum of four characters. Is this right? [*]This is more flavour than anything, but I still think that it will be important for character creation: What was the mission of the Frigate? On top of that, are we to assume that all of the nations of earth still exist? [*]Is everyone an amnesiac? [*]In a similar vein, what's the situation with earth and humanity and such? Have we colonized a bunch of planets? Have any countries formed into larger governmental bodies? Are their super corporations? [i]Are we all employees of McDonalds Galactic!?[/i] [*]Not really a question, but I understand if some of these details are being intentionally obfuscated for story purposes. I just need a little more information before I start on a pod-squad. (I love that - [b]Pod-Squad[/b]) [/list] [/hider]