[h1][color=82ca9d]Bang Constantine[/color][/h1] Mocha Dreams. Mmm. It sounded tasty. But... Alas, one could not "sound" tasty. It could "seem" as if it is tasty, but never does taste actually come in the form of sound unless a person is in some Final Fantasy thing. Or if a generic antagonist is making up common bullcrap to sound cool. Bang walked up to the cafe with a paper full of scribbles on it. A familiar [url=http://i.imgur.com/k8XMPjY.jpg]Mexican friend, Araceli (who lived somewhere within Japan),[/url] had sent him a letter revolving around places he could visit at Academy City. He did not find the entire process of visiting places to be grueling. Instead, he saw it as a magnificent time-killer. After all, he had so little to lose. The boxer stared at the entrance of Mocha Dreams. [i][color=82ca9d]This is it.[/color][/i] A mysterious man walked up to Bang as he whispered, "Dude, shall I tell you the epic art of taking upskirt pictures?" Bang punched the man so hard, he flew into a trash can that collided against a brick wall, causing the can to bounce between two walls before falling into a large dumpster. With a blank look that never fazed, he daringly walked into the cafe. It smelled like heaven. Actually, it smelled like heaven and people. He did not know whether to like it or not. He decided to like it because he did not want to be a massive bother to anyone. He took a seat. When suddenly...!!! "Welcome to Mocha Dreams!" The boxer flinched and stared at a bubbly maid(????), his eyes wide in surprise, but his mouth refusing to open. The maid smiled brightly at him. "How can I serve you today?" Bang remembered what one of his friends told him in a Chinese restaurant back at his home. [hr] [center][i][color=f49ac2]If a woman smiles at you, [h1]SHE MUST BE IN LOVE WITH YOU!!![/h1][/color][/i][/center] [hr] Fortunately, Bang was truthfully decent enough to not believe in such assumptions. No longer feeling intimidated by the girl's sudden question, the foreigner blinked before taking a brief look at the menu. Brownies. "[color=82ca9d]Me want br- er, I'd like some brownies.[/color]" With her bright smile intact, the girl nodded. "Anything else?" "[color=82ca9d]Water. That's it.[/color]" "Alright, then!" The waitress said as she picked up the menu. "I'll be coming back very shortly!" The waitress left, and Bang soon found himself staring blankly at the table. [i][color=82ca9d]By "coming back very shortly,"[/color][/i] he wondered thoughtfully, [i][color=82ca9d]is she saying that she's going to become smaller when she comes back, or is she just being stupid?[/color][/i] All of a sudden, Bang looked up to scan his surroundings. He saw some dude bobbing his head to some music, two girls chattering, and- Iron Giant. Bang intensified. It was the Milkman. The Milkman and- What? [i][color=82ca9d]What?[/color][/i] Bang blinked at the sight of a feminine-looking person sitting across Sasuke(?). Who was the person? Did the Iron Giant enjoy spending time with little girls? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Bang shook his head. No, that was not the problem here. What he wanted to know was the person's relationship so that he could adjust well to the Iron Giant. After all, he did not want to look like a generic "silent dumbass," even if he... kind of is. With that said, Bang quickly analyzed the situation. Sasuke was blushing, and so was the woman (Kei) sitting with him. Bang knew that he was right. Sasuke was dating his little sist- [i][color=82ca9d]Nononononononono, that's not his little sister.[/color][/i] That's right. Sasuke was dating his mothe- [i][color=82ca9d]Where did that come from?[/color][/i] That's right. Sasuke had a girlfriend. Hallelujah. He learned something about Sasuke. Bang felt happy for Sasuke, but he also felt concerned about his girlfriend. After all, the waitress serving them looked quite pretty. Should Sasuke decide to pay attention to the waitress (whom he decided to call "La Pinata" because he was suddenly reminded of his Mexican friend), then things could get pretty messy at the cafe. [i][color=82ca9d]It amazes me how love is everywhere I go to.[/color][/i] With that in mind, he started analyzing the situation while pretending to stare off at a distance.