[hider=Tomoe Hiromi][IMG]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/358/b/2/__lucy_heartfilia___render_by_nityss-d6z6xp3.png[/IMG] [B]Appearance Description:[/B] Don't let the name deceive you for she is a girl: Blonde hair and a voluptuous figure. 5'4 In height and 64 kilograms in weight, she sports different outfits and hairstyles as she sees it fit. [B]Name:[/B]Tomoe Hiromi [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Year:[/B] 2nd Year [B]Reason For Joining:[/B] "I want to create a legacy that is not only boom! Excalibur! It will be grand, I will solve these mysteries with style. Fashion is passion and it's an art and a legal crime, booyah!" [B]Skills:[/B] Creativity; A fashionista's mind is those of artists who come up with vast ideas of designing clothes and recycling and revamping styles, it is cleansing with the soul to create vividly results that is the galore of Hiromi. She uses her designing skills in many ways not only in fashion but also art and solving a mystery. Hiromi uses her ingenuity in fights. Designing. Just ask her what style you want, she will do it for you. Her styles comes in many variety and it evolves with the latest trends. Cooking. As expected from a fashionista, even her bento is fabulous. [B]Personality:[/B] Hiromi is an enthusiastic person; frequently exploiting the fun out of interests at hand, making her adaptable and boisterous in spite of her looks. Fashion is her passion and legal crime, she is creative, resourceful and decorative, often rejecting things that she sees as an atrocity and would make it fabulous. A running gag that is prominent is that Hiromi is often mistaken as boy due to her unisexual name. She can get extremely talkative depending on the commonalities especially if it's fashion, yuri and science. [B]Biography:[/B] Raised in Tokyo by a fashion designer mother and a policeman father, Hiromi.... [B]Relationships:[/B] [This will be added later on when all the characters have been accepted and will be updated as the story goes on] [B]Other:[/B] Hiromi is a boys and girls name, she is often mistaken for a guy by name at first glance, her appearances lampshades this however, proving her as a girl. Sometimes it can be exaggerated that some people will take it too far saying she is a boy stuck in a girl's body. Her measurements are 81-56-83. Hiromi's favorite food is lamb steak. Science is her favorite subject while History and P.E is her least. Her hobbies are drawing, taking walks, and watching movies. Yuri is another thing... Hiro Kick! Is a shoutout to Lucy Heartfilia's Lucy Kick.[/hider]