[b]Eren Deville[/b] Eren sighed. "Are you really cutting me out of seeing this?" He asked. "Whatever, I'll just try on the dress." A few minutes later, he answered the door. He took a lot of details in at a glance. He looked at the man's odd outfit and appearance. He glanced at the man's weapons, and noted anti-doll weaponry. "Hello sir! If you're looking for my boss, they're out of the house right now," Eren said, "I'm Cathy, the housekeeper." Eren hoped her Doll was keeping an eye on this. She didn't have her gun or knife, and if the dollhunter aggressed on her she'd have to hope her fists would serve to deter the man. [b]Mathew[/b] "Money you got through gambling, Alexander!" Mathew said, "It's not theft, but it's still dishonest and [i]dangerous.[/i] What if I were busy, Alex? I worry about you." He paused, "And I've seen you do some unpriestly things. Especially when the fairer sex is involved. Bah, but enough of that. Just remember to behave, or I will stay as far away from that oven as possible." By now, Mathew had shifted into his humanoid zombie looking shape, with rotted looking skin. He was actually perfectly clean and sanitary, though he didn't look it.