[CENTER][h1]Ria's Apartment[/h1][/CENTER] [@Styrgwyr] and [@Hebigami Shiho] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/kxw14b2.png[/img][/center] Restating the fact to the hostage that his Skill Out friends kidnapped a girl from Kirigaoka Girls Academy, the girl's name is Nishikara Wendy, a 12 year old middle school girl and the younger sister of Nishikara Mei. Back in April 1, Nishikara Mei approached Ria for help instead of Judgement due to her doubts that Judgement and Anti-Skill can't deal with the threat they are facing. Ria agreed to rescue Wendy safe and sound from the Skill Out. However the situation seems to have changed as the Akurans and the Haha! group wants a piece of the action. [h3]Trivia and Recall[/h3] [u]Judgement[/u] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/to-aru-majutsu-no-index/images/e/e9/Judgment_logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20100629142006[/img] Is a term used to refer to Academy City's student-based disciplinary committee.hey are composed of students of varying grade levels and power, and along with Anti-Skill, they are tasked to maintain peace-and-order within the school system. Judgment members can be recognized by the armbands they wear over their right sleeves, which are green with white stripes and which have a shield symbol. [u]Anti-Skill[/u] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/to-aru-majutsu-no-index/images/9/96/Anti-Skill_logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20100628125220[/img] Is the term used to refer to Academy City's police and security forces. Unlike Judgment, members of Anti-Skill are ordinary adults who work in the city. One is essentially a volunteer when they join Anti-Skill, and as such is not paid to do Anti-Skill work; however, the city compensates for Anti-Skill members' help in the experiment by giving them various gifts and privileges. It is often assigned to situations that members of Judgment are unable or not allowed to handle, such as engaging terrorists, handling hostage situations, or stabilizing dangerous areas. Judgment is often assigned to assist Anti-Skill in these cases by evacuating civilians or handling crowd control as well as dealing with rogue espers who abuse their powers. It is also shown to assist Judgment with meager work such as directing traffic, helping lost people, and enforcing curfew, and can also be hired for events. Anti-Skill members are also tasked in training Judgment recruits. Moreover, it is also their duty to keep watch of Judgment, and vice-versa. It is a checks and balances system that should prevent prevent internal corruption in the two organizations. [u]Skill-Out[/u] Is an armed group of Level 0's in Academy City which numbers in the thousands. Many factions proclaim that their goal is to fight for rights in a city where those without abilities are picked on by those who flaunt their higher esper abilities, while the authority sometimes turn a blind eye to the injustice or just can't help. The fighting abilities of Skill-Out's members are generally weak, with the average fighter having brawling skills although he stated that he cannot take on more than three at once. Some members carry weapons such as collapsible large blades, batons, and guns that are as lethal as Level 3 esper abilities. The favoured tactic is to swamp an enemy esper with numbers when fighting since they can not normally win one on one. [u]Akura[/u] Former Skill Out members grouped together and affiliated to the Yakuza and bonded to illegal activities in Academy City; District 9 is where they are most abundant. From smuggling activities in and out of Academy City, their uprising is barely controlled by Judgement and Anti-Skill. The Akurans comprise of level 0's, Magicians, and Espers that are level 3. They are known as the Akurans as a group, Akura is the name of the group. The group comprises of delinquents and underground criminals. They originate from China and had been in Academy City for 15 years. Their fighting tactics are dirty and decisive, aiming at precise spots of the body and taking hostages as well as rape. [hr] Back to Ria, she feels displeased with Taiki not doing anything other than smiling like a fool he is. [color=0054a6][b]"I'll ask you again, Marcus, where is Nishikara Wendy? Don't give me false excuses."[/b][/color] Ria said coldly with her firm and calm expression after defrosting her hostage. She had been doing this to him for a week. The hostage is beaten up and frosted many times. Ria took care of her hostage like how a mother would take care of her child but in a twisted way in this case. Recalling her fight with Skill-Out and Akura last week, her life also depend on this. She flashes her body to her hostage, stark naked without a care. [color=0072bc][b]"About that serum that you injected me, how long do I have?"[/b][/color] She asked while pointing near her torso as part of her chest is partially covered with black marks. Ria now reads between the lines.