Realizing what happened moments later, Maggie gets up slowly, wiping where she figured blood would be dripping from, yet again. [i][color=00FF99]Alright, this has gone from scary to down right annoying. I can't even thi-[/color][/i] wincing as pain shot through her body, Maggie quickly regained her composure and answered a question nobody asked: [color=00FF99]"Wow, that's some menstration. I must not have had my time of the month last month. I guess I'll go home to get all cleaned up." Without remembering that she knew nobody's name, she added "Nice to meet you all." With that, she turned and walked in the opposite direction the group of kids were headed. [i][color=00FF99]=I messed up really bad back there... I shouldn't have jumped in like that, I'm no hero... I'm just some dork who can teleport and can't remember past last week. Now I know that if I [b]try[/b] to remember anything before that, I have super PMS cramps to the max. Eesh. I don't even know where home is. I'll just walk this direction until they all go off to school. Then I go off and...[/color][/i] Maggie can't even figure out what she'd do by herself. The point was to get out of this situation with some dignity.