Hank screwed up, He got inside but barely. Then once inside those Anti scent things hunters use for deer hunting didn't work at all. Now his shotgun is the only thing between him and the vampire on top of him, Only if he shoots it inhere everyone and everything ill know he is inside. It's hard to say hold old the vampire is, this one is male. Looks to be late 20s early 30s. Hank was on the floor with the vampire on top of him and the shotgun between them both. Hank moved to the side forcing the vampire to the floor, But he got back up faster then Hank could react and pushed him into the wall. Hank had barely enough time to turn around before the vampire tried to gut him. Only...he didn't. The modified armor served its purpose. His claws were lodges into Hanks armor. Hank Drew the machete of his back and would swing it into the creatures arm. It would fly clean off as he hissed in pain, He was free from Hanks armor but he was weaker now, and disabled. The creature charged but Hank had enough time to draw his hatchet and land it into his gut. Though The vampire was still stronger and kept going. When it stopped he looked at Hank and tried to remove the hatchet. But he couldn't get the leverage to pull it out with one arm. Hank still has both arms, and the machete. He would walk up to the creature blade in hand, The vampire got ready to defend it self not knowing what to expect from the human. Hank leveled the blade of his machete, This is where his marine training would kick in, With mixed martial arts and rifle training. Though a rifle isn't the best weapon against a vampire. They charged each other, the vampire going low to avoid Hank and get him from underneath, hank then sidestepping catching the vamp forcing his own momentum into the wall. As the Vampire was fazed he only had enough time to see the blade run through his skull. Hank is guessing the vampire didn't see much fighting. he was sloppy, Cocky, Didn't think ahead. It cost him his life. Hank would kneel by the vampire. "I'm sorry it came to this. I know not what you did, or if you deserved this. Your masters on the other hand do deserve this. You my friend were an obstacle. I am sorry our paths crossed and I had to do this to you. You wont be forgotten, May you find piece where ever you end up." Hank would leave the scent blockers on the vampire, grab his gun, and run off. He didn't have time to do the rest of his traditions, the screech from the vampire would draw attention. He was getting ready for a fight, But now the element of surprise was gone. Now he was in war all over again. Though this time it was personal.