Appearance: [img][/img] Name: Edward Matthias Anthony Davidson Nickname: None Species: Human Age: 16 Sex: Male Job: Student Powers: None Weaknesses: Not sure if it would be considered a weakness but he is allergic to cats Personality: Usually a quite kid, Edward spends his days avoiding people, getting his classes over with although he really enjoys science and math, and heading to his dorm. At night though, he gets on his computer and becomes almost the exact opposite, he is social, gets excited and angered easily, and is known to rage at a large extent when games don't go his way. Skills: Gaming, Coding, Computer Stuff in General, and Cooking Hobbies: Gaming, Making videos, and Cooking Background: Edward grew up with technology, always trying to find out more about it and how he can make the computer work for him. He eventually got really into gaming and used it as a way to make friends and relieve stress. He started making videos of his gameplay under the alias of Kronshi. He never shows his face in these videos and so nobody knows who he is. Edward began making money off of these videos and has used it to afford all sorts of computer equipment and games as well as tuition into Orean Cause. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optionals: Is a natural genius in science and math but due to his extreme lack of abilities in other subjects (especially English) he couldn't apply for a scholarship. Likes: Video-Games, cats even though he is allergic to them, cooking, science, math, chess, and Autumn. Dislikes: Winter (too cold), Spring (messes with allergies), Summer (too hot), all animals except for cats, games that work on luck instead of strategy, people watching due his work, people asking him how he did the work, people trying to be social with him, people in general, and seafood. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Is this good?