Name: Taya Natura Age: 25 Gender: female Appearance: Tall, Brown Hair, green eyes Personality: Taya keeps to herself, she is a woman of few words, although this can be misinterpreted as her being cold towards others, she is loyal to her comrades and she cares deeply for both nature and animals. Deity: Freiya Loyalty: nature Weapon: long bow Inventory: medicine, arrows, Special Ability: eagle vision, night vision Speciality: flying monsters History: Taya is a member of a small forest clan called the Natura, she has spent her entire life learning to hunt and gather, not only for herself but for her clan. The Natura are bred to hunt and gain there abilities by praying to the God of the hunt Freiya. From a young age Taya learnt that she had a love for animals, in her clan animals were respected and even when they were hunted, a small prayer would be given to thank them for allowing them to eat for the night. This is a trait that Taya has taken with her to this day. With each kill she makes needing to be for one of two reasons. 1. To survive , this means she only takes or kills what she needs to survive. And 2. To protect, if there is any monster that is a threat to townsfolk or other people alike she deems it necessary to kill them in order to protect other people.